457(b) Contribution Limit

Step 1

Calculator 2024

Complete the Questionnaire

Summary Page

This calculator will help you determine the maximum contribution to your 457(b) plan
in 2024. It assumes that you participate in a single 457(b) plan in 2024 with one employer. If you currently participate in more than one 457(b) plan, you may need to consult a tax advisor. For help using the calculator, call Fidelity at 1-800-343-0860, Monday through Friday, 8 A.M. to midnight ET. Round all figures to the nearest dollar. Please enter figures without commas.

  Basic Annual Limit 


Enter your 2024 estimated compensation from the employer who sponsors this 457(b) plan.

  Additional Contributions 


Do you wish to make additional contributions beyond the
basic annual limit in 2024? If you select no, the Double Limit Catch-up and Age 50+ Catch-up will not be included in this calculation.

  Double Limit Catch-up 


Will you reach your normal retirement age in 2025, 2026, or 2027? If you will reach normal retirement age this year (2024), answer "No".

  Age 50+ Contributions 


  • I participate in a governmental 457(b) plan.

  • I was born prior to January 1, 1975.

  • My employer allows Age 50+ Catch-up contributions.

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    Questions? Call 1-800-343-0860, Monday through Friday, 8 A.M. to midnight ET.

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